Choreographed by Piper © 2003
and 2007, to The Dance of Nagoua Fouad
on the Belly Dance with Nagoua Fouad CD, VOS 10048
CLICK to see this dance as a troupe choreography
CLICK to see this dance as a duet
Start with weight on left foot flat, left
knee soft, right knee slightly bent, right toe pointed and slightly
forward. The toes and knees are pointing
stage left, torso twisted to 45° towards audience, left arm up high, right
handout to side and slightly back at waist level.
count of 8)
And Place, And Release with Hip Drops (plus a slight twist)
Right hip twists forward on &, back on
1 (the “And Place” part), forward on &, back on 2 while releasing the right
foot from the ground and straightening the knee slightly (the “And Release”
part - NOT a kick!). Repeat. Repeat.
count of 8) Hip
(Like a hip drop, but up on the beat
instead of down). Bring tips of fingers
of both hands to left temple. Hip Back,
Forward, Back, Back. Bring right hand
down behind the right hip, palm facing the floor, fingers pointing
forward. Hip Forward, Back, Forward,
count of 8) Step,
Swing/Twist Hip with V Arms
On 1, step the right foot forward and on 2,
Swing/Twist the left hip, bringing both hands down so that arms are in an
upside down V (elbows straight but not popped – NO POPPING ELBOWS!) and palms
are facing down, fingers pointing out to the sides. For 3, 4, bring hands up, elbows leading and
fingers pointing down, to a V with palms facing up for left step, right Swing/Twist
Hip. Repeat.
count of 4) Nagoua
Style Step, Swing Hip
For 1, 2, step right foot and left Swing
Hip straight out to the side, fingers of left hand point to side at level of
left hip, right hand wraps around left side of waist. For 3, 4, reverse.
count of 4)
Lunge, Point Turn
5, lunge right. 6, right snake arm and head tilt to
right. 7, straighten up and cross right
toe over and slightly behind left foot, swing right arm down in front of you
towards the left hip. 8, 180° turn (to
face back) shifting weight to right foot, right arm continues swing up
in front of body to point straight up. Continue
arc of arm in a smooth motion so that it is down by the right hip again by 1 of
the next count of 8.
count of 8)
Step, Swing/Twist Hip with V Arms
For 1, 2, step the left foot forward
(towards the back of the stage)and Swing/Twist the right hip, bringing both
hands down so that arms are in an upside down V. For 3, 4, bring hands up, to a V with palms
facing up for right step, left Swing/Twist Hip.
Repeat for 5, 6, 7, 8.
count of 4)
Nagoua Style Step, Swing Hip
On 1, step left and on 2, right Swing
Hip. Reverse for 3, 4.
count of 4)
Lunge, Point Turn
5, lunge left. 6, left snake arm and head tilt to left. 7, straighten up and cross left toe over and
slightly behind right foot, swing left arm down towards the right hip. 8, 180° turn (to face front) shifting
weight to the left foot, left arm continues swing up in front of body,
ending in W Arms with palms facing down.
count of 4)
Shoulder Shimmy + Give Gesture
End in W arms, palms up.
count of 8)
4 Hip Circles with ˝ Turn
Do clockwise Egyptian Style Hip Circles
while moving to stage right, starting hips moving
left-to-forward-to-right. Your weight
shifts first to the right foot (step ball-to-flat) on 1 as you push your hips
right. As hips move back and left,
weight shifts first to the left foot (step heel-to-flat) on 2 as you step feet
together. On 7, drop your left arm in an
arc as you bring your left foot (toes point down) next to your right
ankle. 8, turn clockwise on the ball of
the right foot to face the back as you continue the arc of the arm in front of
the body, up and out to the side again.
count of 8)
4 Hip Circles with ˝ Turn
Do counterclockwise Hip Circles still
moving to stage right (your left), starting hips right-to-forward-to-left,
weight shifts to the left foot (step ball to flat) on 1 as you step out to the
side. On 7, bring your right hand to
meet your left about a foot in front of your chest, as you bring your right
foot (toes point down) next to your left ankle.
8, turn counterclockwise on the ball of the left foot to face the front.
count of 8)
Syncopated Hip Pushes with clenches
On 1, turn body to 45° angle between stage
left and front, left arm up with flat left hand and fingers together, right
hand on the right hip, and step the left foot flat to your left (not back)
while you push the right hip up with a clench, right foot on the ball (MAKE SURE THAT RIGHT ANKLE IS STRONG AND
count of 4)
Pelvic Tilts
Standing on your toes, put the right hand
back to the side of the right hip, palm down, and do 4 pelvic tilts hitting
back with the beat as you slowly bend your knees and slowly and smoothly bring
the fingers of the left hand to the left temple.
count of 4)
Chest Locks
Raise chest on the &, and contract it back on the beat as you slowly straighten
your knees.
count of 8)
Body Rolls Down (moving forward switching feet on 4)
Stepping forward on the balls of the feet
with the right foot in front - right, left, right on 1, 2, 3. The chest moves up and forward on odd counts,
down and back on even counts. On 4, as
the hips pull in, lift the left foot up (with the toes pointed down) near the
right ankle, then step forward on 5 with the left foot. Using the entire count of 8, the hands come
slowly up the sides of the body, starting with the arms down, fingers pointing
down and palms facing out, and ending with the arms up, fingers pointing up and
the palms facing in.
count of 8)
Body Rolls Down (zig-zag switching feet on 4)
Using the same foot pattern as above, step
to the right 1, 2, 3 with the body at a 45° angle to the side. On 4, swivel towards the left and on 5 step
the left foot to the left. Taffee Hands.
count of 8)
Hip Rotation/Circles to the side with a Body Roll Down
1, stepping heel-to-toe with the right foot
to the right, push the hips back-and-right.
2, bring the feet together stepping toe-to-heel with the left foot and
push the hips forward-and-left. The left
arm is up and the right hand makes a stirring motion down by the side of the
right hip. 3, stepping heel-to-toe with the right foot to the right, push the
hips back-and-right and end standing straight with the weight on the right
foot. 4, Body Roll Down switching
arms. Reverse.
count of 8)
Hip Circle with Artemis Arms
Push the hips from
left-to-back-to-right-to-front in a counterclockwise circle while bouncing the
heels on the floor with the beat. End on
8 with hips left and looking up the left hand, tips of right fingers to the
right temple.
count of 8)
˝ Hip Circles with Artemis Arms
No bounce, moving first right then left.
count of 8)
Snake Arms with Glide Steps
Move smoothly stage right.
count of 8)
Snake Arms with Choo-Choos
Moving stage left, smooth arms, sharp hips. Finish with the weight on the balls of both feet
on 8, ready to step forward with the left heel.
count of 8)
Basic Katak
Arms in Offering Position. Start with the left heel and hip on 1, moving
half time, curl the fingers in towards you on 2 (you are balanced on the ball
of the left foot) and flip the palm out as if to say “stop” on 3 as you put the
weight on the right heel and push the right hip up and out. Repeat.
count of 8)
Tunisian Swing/Twist Triple Step
On the balls of the feet, step left on 1,
right on &, left on 2, moving to the left.
Keeping the hands in the “stop” position, move them in a little
clockwise circle and off to the left.
Reverse for 3, &, 4. Repeat
for 5, &, 6, 7, &, 8.
count of 8)
Tunisian Swing/Twist Hip in a Circle
Right arm up, left arm out at hip level,
weight on the right foot, move in a clockwise circle.
counts of 8)
Wedding Step
Step forward on the left foot and lean
forward with a shoulder shimmy 1, 2.
Step back on the right foot, lean back and do two left hip drops 3,
4. Repeat. Repeat.
count of 8)
Lift Drop, Hip Drop
Right arm up, left arm down and out to the
side, look down over the left shoulder and move in a small counterclockwise
circle, doing Lift Drop, Hip Drop with the left hip. End looking at the audience with body facing
stage right.
count of 8)
Pelvic Tilts (stepping side, moving back)
Turn head to face forward, bring left foot
in so that feet are together, flat and parallel, bend knees deep and pelvic
tilt back on 1. Step right foot flat to
your right (towards the back of the stage), and pelvic tilt back on 2. Repeat.
counts of 8)
Sky Reach with 3-D Figure 8
Moving slowly, circle the right hip back,
up and out, down and forward while reaching for the sky with the fingers of the
right hand. Reverse. Repeat, ending hips back, ready for Hip Circle.
count of 8)
Egyptian Hip Circle
and Roll Up
On 1, 2, 3, push hips back, right, forward
with body upright. On 4 push hips left
and lean upper body to the right side looking up to the left so that your hair
drops forward in front of your right shoulder.
On 5, swing hips back and to the right, leaning the torso forward while
turning to look at knees so that your hair drops forward. On 6 and 7, slowly straighten up while
running hands along sides of left leg and body.
On 8, lift arms up in a V, fingers pointed to sky. TA-DA!
Reid Hunt, PhD © 2007